- As your photograph is scanned and printed on the passport , it should be of a high quality
for reproduction and conform to International Civi l Aviation Organization specifications:
- Photograph size must be passport -sized color photograph of 2" x 2" dimension.
It must have white or off-white background.
- Photographs must be taken recently. It should not be more than six months old in any case.
- The photo must be a full face view and the applicant must face the camera directly.
No side or angled view photographs.
- You must not look down or to ei ther side.
- Face should cover about 50% of the photo area.
- Your head, including both face and hair, should be shown from the crown of the head to the tip of the
chin on top and bottom and from hairline side-to-side. Exposed ears are preferred.
Head coverings and hats are only acceptable due to religious beliefs, and even then, may not cover any portion of your face.