- Display of District wise, Category wise, Medium wise Vacancies: 16.06.2017
- Transfers online apply: 9th June 2017 to 17th June 2017.
- AP Teachers Seniority List Display (District wise, Medium Wise, Category Wise): 19.06.2017
- Objections if any on the Transfers Seniority Lists displayed on the website: 20.06.2017 and 21.06.2017
- Transfers Final Seniority List announcement: 24.06.2017
- Web Counselling Options Entry: 25.06.2017 to 27.06.2017
- Entitlement points will also be awarded on the basis of performance indicators.Display of Provisional Allotment of places: 29.06.2017
- Final allotment of places: 03.07.2017
- Transfers Orders: 4th July to 7th July 2017.
- Joining in new schools: 6th July 2017.
Latest revised transfers schedule
June 15, 2017
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