Rc.No. ESE02-20021/3/2018-RECTMT-CSE DSC 2018 - Filling up 173 vacancies of SGT (Urdu) posts instructions
DSC 2018 - Filling up 173 vacancies of SGT (Urdu) posts meant for SC/ST/BC or Women as the case may be with Open category candidates.The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state except Srikakulam and Guntur are invited to the references read above, a copy of Government Memo below is herewith communicated and they are requested to upload the unfilled vacancies of Limited Recruitment for Secondary Grade Teacher (Urdu) Post-2018 in the backlog roster cycle and point in their respective districts in https://trackingan ancfss.in/APDSCTRACKING 18/login.htm, which is mentioned in the following table, as the unfilled vacancies will be included and fill up in DSC 2018 as per the Govt Memo DL05.11.2018 on or before 09.11.2018.
Download Govt. Memo copy
What the qualification for Urdu SGT POST,,