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Electors corrections, complaints, objections grievance contact number and mail address

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER ANDHRA PRADESH has released a notification on a press note on 11th December, 2018, regarding Electors corrections, complaints, objections grievance contact number and mail address.
All the citizens / electors of Andhra Pradesh are informed that any election related issues / complaints can be brought directly to the notice of the Chief Electoral Officer, Andhra Pradesh. Any queries can be raised through SMS
or whatsapp to mobile number 9491111091 and by email to:
1) ceo andhrapradesh@eci gov.in
2) chiefelectoralofficerap@gmail.com
All the electors are requested to verify their voting status in the draft
notification published in www.ceoandhra.nic.in or www.nvsp in and
through SMS on 9223166166 OR 51969 OR Call Centre Number: 18004251950
If any corrections, complaints, objections may be brought to the
notice of CEO on the above phone number through SMS or whatsapp / email.
Electors corrections, complaints, objections grievance contact number and mail address

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